All work is to be performed in a professional and orderly manner , with the end result being customer satisfaction.
A happy customer has always been my best advertising.
I believe the best way to get a good night's sleep is to install the better products on the market and to do so at a price
that is both fair to the customer and myself. That being said , I strive to price competitively and I can usually install
what I believe is a better product at the price of those who install " entry level " equipment.
Most manufacturers provide lines which include , good / better / best product lines. Where I prefer to stay is in the
better / best product range and install this equipment at a fair price.
Even the base models are designed well and the equipment should fulfill the customers needs , but , with less efficiency.
If you factor in the purchase cost over the lifespan of the equipment , the savings to install a less expensive
model or brand will be insignificant.
Unfortunately , I do not offer financing and as with most smaller contractors , will probably never do so. If financing is required ,
be careful and read the terms and fine print. Don't pay for three furnaces when you only get one.
My motto written on the back of the van is " Honesty & Integrity " and is what I call my " old fashion values ". I take seriously the
value of a handshake and my word. I have surprised customers by informing them that replacement of their equipment would be
an improvement , but not necessary at this time. There are no high pressure sales tactics used and I will not upsell anyone for a profit. You get what you need , you get what you paid for.
Lastly , no company can service everyone , so hopefully you are taken care of by a professional who cares and that you
are comfortable with in your home.
Kevin Flegg
A happy customer has always been my best advertising.
I believe the best way to get a good night's sleep is to install the better products on the market and to do so at a price
that is both fair to the customer and myself. That being said , I strive to price competitively and I can usually install
what I believe is a better product at the price of those who install " entry level " equipment.
Most manufacturers provide lines which include , good / better / best product lines. Where I prefer to stay is in the
better / best product range and install this equipment at a fair price.
Even the base models are designed well and the equipment should fulfill the customers needs , but , with less efficiency.
If you factor in the purchase cost over the lifespan of the equipment , the savings to install a less expensive
model or brand will be insignificant.
Unfortunately , I do not offer financing and as with most smaller contractors , will probably never do so. If financing is required ,
be careful and read the terms and fine print. Don't pay for three furnaces when you only get one.
My motto written on the back of the van is " Honesty & Integrity " and is what I call my " old fashion values ". I take seriously the
value of a handshake and my word. I have surprised customers by informing them that replacement of their equipment would be
an improvement , but not necessary at this time. There are no high pressure sales tactics used and I will not upsell anyone for a profit. You get what you need , you get what you paid for.
Lastly , no company can service everyone , so hopefully you are taken care of by a professional who cares and that you
are comfortable with in your home.
Kevin Flegg